
Terrence J Clowns Rocsi

Apparently some heavy baiting went on the other day on BET's 106th and Park. I typically don't watch that show, but this one turned out to be quite interesting.

During the whole show, Terrence kept clowning on Rocsi, from her talking, to her breathe, to telling her that she needed to look like Ciara. I can't stand dude anyway, he's such a Herb, so I'm praying that he get's fired for this bull-ish that he pulled or he at least has to do some sort of demeaning act on the show to make it up to Rocsi. Either way, what he did wasn't a good look, and it angered Rocsi so much, that she walked off the stage and didn't come back. Watch the clip, and you be the judge... was she being too sensitive or was she right for walking off and not cussin that dude out like I would have.?


Anonymous said...

Terrence was rude and he shoulve got sucka punched. He belittled her for a laugh and he wasnt even funny. I hope they dont fire her for leaving,they should fire his boney A**. "Too sensitive" my eyeball.... he was unprofessional and he should have more respect for his coworkers/host.She had every right to walk off that set.

Anonymous said...

terrence went too far. i know that they always go back and forth with the jokes sometimes but he was persisting which wasn't cool. he crossed the line for sure.

Anonymous said...

uSuaLlY, I LoVe TeRrEnCe. bUt dNt ReAllY cArE fOr RoCsI.bUt ThE sTuFf tHaT He SaId To heR. wAs RuDe. EsPeCiAllY tHe CoMmeNt aBoUt Her NoT LoOkInG LiKe CiArA. WhIcH Was sO RuDe BeCkUz cIaRA HaS a MaNlY bOdY. I tHiNk Ne OnE ElSe WouLd HAve MaDe a biGgEr ScEnE. RoCsi HaNdLeD It LikE A PrOfEsSiOnAl PeRsOn Nd I RespEcT hEr.