
Denny Duquette Returns... Not exactly!

For all of my Grey's Anatomy fans... I have some neeeeeeews for you! It's just been confirmed that Jeffrey Dean Morgan aka Denny Duquette is returning to this seasons show. Don't ask how they're planning to bring him back from the dead... just roll with the idea of him coming back. I'm not sure if he's actually coming back as Denny, but the actor will be playing a roll on the show. I'm praying that this has something to do with the demise of Katherine Heigls charachter of Izzy and her being ungrateful on the show. I'm also thinking that maybe he'll come back as some other character, that looks identical to Izzy and she freaks out or something, thus resulting in her leaving the show. I don't know ya'll. I'll keep ya posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He is coming back as her (dead) conscience... they did a bit of foreshadowing on the season ender... I am a total Greys fan but I'ont know about this idea. and again BOOO to K. Hiegel and her ungrateful ass.