
Rick Ross Was Not A C.O.

Ok... ya'll know that blogging for some people is just a way to cause more drama right? As for me, I blog because I'm a nosy heffa... always have been... always will be. But, what people need to understand is that my blogs, I won't post them unless they are factual and real, unlike the folks over at mediatakeout.com. I read about this story on their site earlier today, but decided against posting it, and I'm very glad I made that decision. True, I get some great tips on the latest gossip from them, but I do my damndest to make sure that what I'm posting is true info. I hate to be misinformed and look like an ass!

All that said, today, the folks over at Mediatakeout.com, posted a blog about Miami rapper Rick Ross, supposedly being a Correctional Officer before he became a rapper. Well, the Boss Ricky Ross, was a little heated once he got wind of it all. Here's what he had to say:

My life is 100 percent real. These online hackers putting a picture of my face when I was a teenager in high school on other people’s body. If this shit was real don’t you think they would have more specifics, like dates and everything else? I’m in the entertainment business and a lot of people like to hate because I’m on top of my game. Like I said before my life is 100 percent real.

To all my fellow bloggers, please report true info. The people come to you to be informed about what's going on. Not to get lied to just for the sake of having traffic on your site.

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