
Voter Ballot Mistakes? Not Likely

Did anyone hear about this "mistake" on voter ballots this weekend? Probably not because to the MSM, it's not news worthy. But it matters to me.

In Troy, NY, if you requested an absentee ballot, you received one that read "Barack Osama"... which is a major WTF?

The misspelling, which elections officials on both sides of the aisle insist was simply a typo, is causing embarrassment for the county. ''No question this is an honest mistake innocently done,'' said Edward McDonough, the Democratic commissioner. ''We catch almost everything. This was a typo,'' said Republican Commissioner Larry Bugbee. ''We have three different staff members who proof these things and somehow the typo got by us.''

Don't play us dude! Ain't nobody stupid enough to think this was a damn "typo". Somebody intentionally did this, and they need to be held accountable or fired. I would PROBABLY understand if the "b" and the "s" were letters that are right next to each other on the keyboard, but they aren't! Two seperate rows, and four letters away from each other. Get a grip on reality conservatives. You're losing and good always triumphs over evil!!!

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