
Tyra Shows Up To Miley's Show To "Surprise" Her

Can someone explain to me why Tyra is so egotistical? Of course I get the fact that she was once a supermodel. I get that. Now you're a talk show host. I get that too. And I even get that fact that you have created your own show for aspiring models. Kudos Tyra!

But what I don't get, his how you bust into a sixteen year olds birthday party at Disneyland, to give her... "a surprise gift"

I'm sure you're tripping with angst to know what that gift was, so i'll tell you. Tyra gave Miley Cyrus, for her sweet sixteen... a framed picture of who else... Tyra Banks! *Eyebrows raised in utter confusion*

Maybe Tyra was trying to give some subliminal inspiration to Miley by insinuating that in about 15 or so years, she too can reach the pinnacle of success that Tyra has. That one day she'll have all the riches and glory and the money and the power to do what she wants? You think that's what she was saying by giving a picture of herself?

How much more narcassitic can you be T.B.? But yet, little Ms. Cyrus in fact, at this moment in time richer and more powerful than Tyra. Forbes placed Miley the 35th most powerful celeb in the world while Tyra host ranked at 68! How 'bout them apples!

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