
Khloe Kardashian Set To Do Time Behind Bars!

Big sister Kim Kardashian wrote on her blog : "I urge people to learn from the mistakes of others. Please drink responsibly, and it's never acceptable to drink and drive!"

What is she talking about? She's talking about her baby sister Khloe doing time for a 2007 DUI arrest where Khloe violated her probation by being charged with the offense. It is unclear how long she will be behind bars (she could stay up to 30 days). Kim, 27, says "no matter how long and where," Khloe, 23, "just wants to "have this resolved."

Khloe (who has until Friday to begin serving her sentence) will also have to enroll in an alcohol treatment program — one of the terms of probation she failed to complete — within three weeks of her release. She will remain on probation.

I'm wondering if this will end up in a 23-hour stay like Paris Hilton's visit to the county? Just a thought.

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