
Kanye Whines Again!

About a week or so again, I gave ya'll the story about Kanye arriving late to the Bonnaroo concert and not apologizing to the crowd and giving a less than spectacular performance. Well he's at it again. Ya boy is throwing yet another hissy fit about how he's tired of people talking about him. Uhhhh, dude... YOU'RE A CELEBRITY!!!!! If you didn't want people talking about you, then you damn sure picked the wrong business to be in. He went off again on his blog. Check the snippet below:

I am sick of negative people who just sit around trying 2 plot my downfall... Why???? I understand if people don't like me because I like me or if people think tight clothes look gay or people say I run my mouth to much, But this Bonnaroo thing is the worst insult I've ever had in my life. This is the most offended I've ever been... this is the maddest I ever will be. I'm typing so fucking hard I might break my fucking Mac book Air!!!!!!!! Call me any name you want.... arrogant, conceited, narcissistic, racist, metro, fag whatever you can think of.... BUT NEVER SAY I DIDN'T GIVE MY ALL! NEVER SAY I DIDN'T GIVE MY ALL! THIS SHOWS NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY TO BE GOOD AT SOMETHING THERE WILL...

You can read the rest here... Poor Kanye

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