
My Random Rant!!!!!!

No pictures, no catchy sayings, no NOTHING! Just me about to have a bitch fit. This justice system is really really screwed up. We are now in a day and age when we have all the technology in the world but still can not see the speck on a blank canvas when it's right there right in front of your damn face. Is it because your pockets are being lined? Or is it because the peers that hold the cards were a mass majority and the practice of being blind to the fact is common place for the mass majority? I can't stand it! You have things such as this, where the hammer needs to be slammed down, but the room falls silent. Then on the other hand, you have the same canvas, just a different artist who is wide awake to the flaws of the painting and he pays the price for noticing the obvious. I don't get it!!!! I just don't get it. I am now starting to believe more and more that men rule this world! Not just because they make most of the money, but because they swing the big dick and it damn near blows everyone away! Fuck that! Justice needs to be served! And it needs to be served right now!

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