
Beyonces Gold Mane Is Actually Worth It's Weight!

Beyonce and her lovely manufactured tresses have made the papers again. This time, it's the hair that is the talk of the media. The Irreplaceable singer reportedly isn't just worth the $80 mil that was reported last week, her wig collection by itself is worth an estimated $1 milli. I'm sure most of them consist of a large amount of high dollar lace fronts.

According to In Touch, the singer has tailor-made hair-pieces for every occasion. A friend told the magazine: "The majority of them are custom-made from real hair and she's probably got $1 million worth of stunning wigs. "It's part of the reason why she always looks so gorgeous."

Knowles is said to donate her old wigs to a charity which helps cancer sufferers. Bey was recently named the second highest-paid music act of the past 12 months, banking more than £40 million.

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